How can we help...


Continuing Education

Community Support

Advocacy is a large part of what we do on a national level. As the state affiliate of NAADAC, we are committed to advocating for the best interests of its members, clients, communities and the profession overall. Without the dedicated advocates who stand up for the profession, our members will not have a voice. RAP-WI has participated in specialty advocacy events such as Advocacy in Action.
Continuing Education
RAP-WI is able to provide community, educational, and professional education lectures. RAP-WI has participated in providing education on clinical supervision, general addiction, professional development, and many other topics in the professional arena. RAP-WI has presented at 12 Step and community groups in which assistance was provided in gaining understand of addiction and impacts it has on our communities. For further information on continuing education please contact us at RAP-WI.
Community Support
RAP-WI is one of the best ways to get connected to the largest addiction professional network, NAADAC. If you are interested in expanding your network please let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to assist in the amazing work NAADAC and RAP-WI do within our communities and the fight against addiction.
RAP-WI is not just a professional organization, but also provides support for those who are in need. We offer assistance by connecting family members, friends, and individuals affected by addiction to treatment providers within their area. If you need assistance please feel to e-mail us and will are more than happy to connect you to your local providers.